Orthopaedic massage therapy focuses on correcting musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain relief.
Orthopaedic massage therapy concentrates on restoring impaired joint, muscle and postural function. The treatment process relieves pain, discomfort and joint mobility limitation caused by restricted musculoskeletal conditions.
Benefits of Orthopaedic Massage Therapy
Relieves pain and discomfort
Corrects posture abnormalities
Restores impaired movement
Rehabilitates dysfunctional movement patterns
Return to functional health
Treatment process
Orthopaedic massage focuses on the tissues and muscles surrounding the joints of the body. Whatever the cause of the muscle damage, the intent of the orthopaedic massage is to lengthen and soften the muscles and ligaments, permitting better range of motion of the affected joints.
Treatment plans are designed for improving joint mobility, posture correction and to restore normal body movement and function.
Conditions presented as accumulative physical disorders (long term disorders) or as a result of a single trauma undergo a process of full posture and functional assessment in order to:
Lengthen tight muscle groups and tissue (tonic)
Strengthen weak muscle groups and tissue (phasic)
Increase joint mobility
Reinstate functional movement patterns
Correcting and restoring postural and mobility disorders can alleviate frustration, fatigue, anxiety and depression.
Conditions commonly treated:
Muscle imbalance
Skeletal asymmetry
Spinal column disorders
Joint function impairments
Joint capsule condition
Muscle atrophy
Neuromuscular dysfunction and muscle motor skill disorder
Upper back, neck and shoulder girdle restriction and pain:
Upper crossed syndrome
Locked shoulder
Subacromial disorder
Thoracic outlet syndromes
Lower back and hip restriction and pain:
Lower crossed syndrome
Sciatic nerve impingements
Sacroiliac joint pain
Orthopaedic massage therapy returns your physical condition, mobility and functionality for normal daily routine and activities. This will also reduce tension, improve sleep patterns and reduce stress provoked headaches.