Sports Massage Therapy
Repair, Rehabilitate & Improve

Book your appointment on 07929 648507 or email

Sports massage is a popular form of treatment for injury prevention, recovery and improving performance.
Sports Massage Therapy applies deep tissue manipulation and includes several physical therapy techniques to restore your fitness, leaving you healthier and stronger. Anyone who enjoys physical activity, or is recovering from a sports injury will benefit from the treatment plans offered at the studio.
 Benefits of Sports  Massage Therapy
  • Improves recovery post injury
  • Increases range of motion
  • Decreases muscle stiffness and soreness after physical activity
  • Reduces muscle tension, pain and discomfort
Injury treatment  process
Time is the biggest healer, but the healing process can leave its scars. Sports massage plays an important part in the recovery and rehabilitative process of a wide range of injury conditions.

Sports massage can help speed up the recovery process by:-
  • Relieving muscle tension
  • Reducing muscle pain
  • Reducing muscle spasm and swelling
  • Increasing local blood flow
  • Promoting the delivery of oxygen and nutrients
  • Increasing flexibility and range of motion
  • Enhancing clearance of substances such as blood lactate or creatine kinase
Rest is vital during an injury recovery period. The best recovery period must include a full rehabilitation procedure that includes normalising damaged tissue, improving the range of movement, restoring movement patterns as well as strengthening and conditioning.

The techniques used are specifically designed for optimum recovery from a sports injury. Part of the recovery process is to ensure improved physical condition, which will help prevent further injury or an injury reoccurring.
Conditions commonly treated:- (Overuse injuries. Acute trauma. Chronic conditions becoming acute).
  • Muscle tear and strain
  • Muscle atrophy 
  • Tendinopathy
  • Ligament sprain and ruptures
  • Cartilage damage
  • Bursitis

Skeletal injury
Spinal injuries, dislocation and broken bones can have soft tissue consequences. Sports massage can play an important part in the recovery and  rehabilitation process. Post trauma treatment can help reduce stiffness, restore movement, and provide relaxation that helps you focus on healthy healing instead of soreness and anxiety.

Prevention and maintenance
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts constantly push themselves to their limit. Regular sports massage treatment can be a great way to assess your condition and prevent injuries occurring.
The Sports  Massage  Studio  is equipped to restore, maintain and improve your fitness.
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